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Flourish through mindful eating - No more yo-yo dieting!
We get it. You’ve tried it all. Maybe you’ve attended weekly meetings, eliminated entire food groups, logged your food and exercise into an app, followed prescribed meal plans, or any of a thousand other “solutions.” But where has all that got you? Frustrated, guilty, and even more focused on food than you were before?
There may be one expert you haven’t listened to yet…the expert in YOU! Flourish will show you how.
The Flourish Mindful Eating Program will help you:
Finally understand why diets don’t (and won’t) work for you or most other people.
Discover simple yet powerful methods for knowing when, what, and how much to eat without restriction.
End mindless and emotional eating.
Consistently eat the foods you love without guilt-and without bingeing.
Learn the truth about nutrition without confusing, arbitrary rules.
Never again exercise to earn food or punish yourself for eating.
Nourish your body, mind, and spirit to build your health, energy, and joy.
Stop obsessing about food, eating, and weight.
The Flourish Mindful Eating Program provides you with the tools and strategies to make the best decisions for yourself. Freeing you up to live the full life you crave! Through the 8-week mindful eating course lead by Dr Louise Langman, individuals are able to create more satisfying relationships with food, their bodies and their health by learning to deal with emotions that feel unmanageable. By developing mindful eating skills, group members build self-awareness, tolerance and confidence in learning to identify and work with emotions that affect daily life and enjoyment.
Take a look below for more information on the 8 week program...
Mindful Eating Group Programs
"This group has absolutely changed my relationship with food, but even more so, the way I think about me."
“The difference for me is that I am learning how to function with all these emotions, because when everything is so raw it kind of stops you from even functioning, so its learning how to carry all these emotions… I mean I can get up now and do anything... this group has given me that.”
“I just deal with things differently… sometimes I think, “where did that come from?” and it has come from this group, I do a lot of redirecting my thoughts to get back to the present moment.”
“Despite being a very sceptical person, I did find the ‘mindfulness objects' very helpful. They acted as visual and tactile prompts to be more mindful about what and how I was eating and although I still overeat at times, they have helped encourage new behaviours, reflections and actions in me.”
Mindful eating is an ancient practice with profound applications in our current food-abundant environment. The Mindful Eating Cycle shown below, provides the necessary structure for learning how to apply the concepts to all aspects of eating, beginning with why you eat in the first place, all the way through to understanding where you invest the energy you’ve consumed.

Am I Hungry?
Although it is a deceptively simple title, the question “Am I hungry?” opens the door to understanding why, when, what, how, and how much you eat, and where you invest your energy. The Mindful Eating Cycle is a simple model developed by Michelle May MD, and helps you become aware and in charge of the hundreds of eating decisions you make every day.
Here are some examples of the questions the Flourish Mindful Eating Program will help you answer.
Why? Why do I eat?
Why do I think I eat?
Am I really aware of all the situations and/or emotions that trigger me to want to eat when I’m not hungry?
Do I find myself eating even though I said I wouldn’t? Why?
Have I tried a lot of diets? What happened? How did they work for me long term? Why?
When? When do I eat?
How often do I feel like eating? Why?
How do I know if I’m hungry?
Can I tell the difference between physical hunger and head hunger?
How could I redirect my attention away from food until I’m hungry?
What could I do to cope better with my emotional triggers for eating when I’m not hungry?
When does “I want a biscuit” really mean “I want a break”?
What? What do I eat?
What do I eat in a typical day?
Would an Awareness Journal help me recognize patterns?
What types of foods do I feel like eating when I’m eating for emotional reasons? Why?
Do I restrict myself from eating certain foods, then later give in and overeat those foods?
Do I feel guilty when I eat?
Am I afraid of losing control when I eat certain foods?
What health issues do I need to be aware of when deciding what to eat?
What could I eat that would help me feel better and become healthier?
Are there any areas of my diet that I could improve right now?
What specific change would I like to make at this time?
What kind of foods could I keep on hand to eat when I’m hungry?
How could I make the perfect food choice every time to satisfy both my body and my mind?
How? How do I eat?
Do I eat while I’m distracted?
Do I truly eat as though I love food?
Do I eat fast, barely tasting my food?
Do I eat differently in private than I do in public?
Could I write an article for a gourmet magazine about the last meal I ate?
How Much? How much do I eat?
How do I feel when I have finished eating?
Do I like the way I feel?
Do I feel compelled to clean my plate?
If I’m not hungry when I start eating, how do I know when to stop?
What situations or emotions trigger me to overeat?
What could I do to address my triggers for overeating more effectively?
What do I do after those times I eat too much anyway?
Where? Where do I invest the energy I consume?
Am I physically active?
Do I watch too much TV or spend too much free time in front of the computer?
How do I feel about exercise?
Do I exercise? What do I like to do?
Do I use exercise to punish myself for eating or to earn the right to eat?
What else do I do with my energy (i.e. play with my children; work on my hobbies; volunteer; travel; spend time with friends…)?
Is there anything else I’d like to do that I’m not doing now?
What are my goals for my relationships, my career, and my life?
Do I practice regular and meaningful self-care in order to buffer myself from life stress?
Does my life reflect wellness and wholeness in body, mind, heart and spirit?
The Flourish Mindful Eating Program lead by clinical psychologist, Louise Langman will teach you how to use the Mindful Eating Cycle to be in charge of every decision you make without having to resort to rules and restriction. As a result, you’ll experience:
Freedom from dieting and overeating
A positive, peaceful, and enjoyable relationship with food and physical activity
A renewed sense of wellness and wholeness